Laundry to Love – Everything I Know About Life

Laundry-to-Love-coverSandy Tritt Writes: “When my oldest daughter was nearing high school graduation, I suffered a major panic attack. Had I taught her everything she needed to know? Had I shared our family recipes? Did she understand the ethics I wanted to pass along? I started making notes of things she needed to know. I organized notes by topic and started writing recipes as I cooked.

The first section of the book is a collection of advice and hints including everything from telling the truth to traveling with kids to gift-giving–with forty other topics between, including a page explaining the “point system” I used when my girls were grade-school to junior-high-school age that got us out the door on time and kept them happily cooperative.

The second section is a collection of 66 recipes we use on a daily basis. Many are embarrassingly fast and easy. Others are family recipes passed down through generations (with a few updates, of course. Who keeps lard in their pantry these days?). There are two recipes for beef roast. One is the Really Easy Roast that takes just a few minutes of morning prep and a slow-cooker. The other is the Really Tasty Roast that takes 45 minutes or so of prep work and 3-4 hours roasting time in the oven. I share my super-secret chocolate cake recipe that no one–not even my daughters–has seen (hint: one of the few ingredients is a boxed cake mix). I also share the passed down stuffing recipe that’s been in the family for generations.

Described as a marriage of Robert Fulghum and Martha Stewart, Laundry to Love gives practical hints, creative solutions, and unique outlooks on life–a handbook for young women and men as they step out on their own. Perfect as a graduation or wedding gift, this book is also excellent for anyone who enjoys a fresh perspective sprinkled with a little humor. Laundry to Love is the life instruction book you didn’t get. Until now.”

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